New Beginnings!

I think it is VERY important to spell out my intentions as clearly as I can before starting this blog.

Recently I’ve come to the realization that I find healing in writing. I find healing in ministering to others through sharing my stories and sharing the things I’ve learned through my experiences as a young adult. God has definitely laid it on my heart to share my stories in hopes that someone will hear them, learn from them, or find support in knowing someone has gone through the same things as they have. I am not fixed. I am not healed. As a Christian who sins daily the healing and the fixing is never complete. It is an ongoing process. I’m not perfect and I never will be. I’m not a biblical master or a theologian. I’m a 19 year old born again christian who lost her faith and found it again and these are my stories.

Now that that’s out of the way…

This blog is going to be a huge mix of things. It will be posts about my stories and my faith. It will be beauty product reviews, tutorials, and demos. It will also be product reviews and diy projects for mom stuff. It will be about my job as a cosmetologist. It will be random, crazy, and anything I feel like writing about that day. In conjunction with this blog I will also be posting videos on my youtube about all the same things.

The purpose of the blog is to bring healing to me, hopefully to bring healing to others, to talk about my love for the beauty world, to be a reference to those who share that same love, and to grow, learn, and explore new adventures and passions.

I want to be hearing from and listening to you as much as you’re hearing from and listening to me.

Follow me on Instagram;
Hair and Makeup account- haileydoeshair
Personal account- hailey.rocket

Email me;